Alfred Brendel plays Schubert 3 Klavierstücke D946
Alfred Brendel is arguably the most outstanding exponent of Schubert's piano music currently before the public, a man capable of bringing to vibrant life not only the verve of this music but also its poetic intensity and intellectual depth. In this unique collection he not only plays all Schubert's major keyboard works, he also introduces each piece, throwing light on its compositional substance and at the same time revealing his own highly personal relationship with these masterpieces of Romantic music. Each volume consists of a 10-15 mins introduction by the artist and a complete performance under studio conditions. The series, shot in 1976/1977, has never been shown ever since and therefore embodies a document of unmitigated fascination. The way Brendel plays Schubert give all the reasons for him being a living legend and dean of the contemporary pianists. For those who are not familiar with him or his approach to Schubert this is a good start. It is a most rewarding experience!
3 Klavierstücke D946