211 results
Alfred Brendel is arguably the most outstanding exponent of Schubert's piano music currently before the public, a man capable of bringing to vibrant life not only the verve of this music but also its poetic intensity and intellectual depth. In this…
50 mins
Prog. No.
Alfred Brendel is arguably the most outstanding exponent of Schubert's piano music currently before the public, a man capable of bringing to vibrant life not only the verve of this music but also its poetic intensity and intellectual depth. In this…
57 mins
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The Alpine Symphony is one of Strauss’ largest non-operatic conceptions, and the composer himself considered it his best-wrought work in terms of its orchestration. Despite its title, it is not a symphony in the generally accepted sense of the word…
53 mins
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Is it possible that Mozart's Don Giovanni, has been interpreted in a false way for more than two centuries? The documentary is looking for answer of this question. According to the GRAMMY Award winner Rene Jacobs the answer is yes.
54 mins
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A 45-minute feature on the subject "love", taking as an example the relationships between Clara and Robert Schumann and Johannes Brahms. The film presents Hélène Grimaud playing excerpts from Schumann's Piano Concerto with the Staatskapelle Dresden…
45 mins
Prog. No.
“The boy with the Wig - Kids on Mozart” shows the fascination of the children for Mozart. In the 30-minute film children have the podium: boys and girls aged between eight and eleven recount Mozart’s life in their own words. In this way, an at times…
29 mins
Prog. No.
An artist with genuine star qualities: Opera Singer of 2005, Echo award winner of 2004 and 2005 – even tabloids wax enthusiastic about the Mexican tenor. That he’s called “Mr. Bean of the Opera World” is due to his amazing comedian qualities. The…
60 mins
Prog. No.
The best way to get through the streets of the metropolis of Mexico City is with one of the famous green Volkswagen Beetle Taxis. In this city of 18 million people, Tenor Rolando Villazón was born. With a look somewhere between latin lover and Mr…
60 mins
Prog. No.
There’s no question about it - this man is annoyed. His violin bow swooshes through the air like a saber. Again and again, the final bar of the famous E Major Partita for Solo Violin fills the empty baroque church in Lockenhaus. Gidon Kremer has…
60 mins
Prog. No.
In March of 2004, the Royal Opera Covent Garden in London cancelled its contract with Deborah Voigt. The official reason given by the casting director: too fat. The opera world was outraged. Since when can't opera singers be overweight? Since Callas…
60 mins
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