13 results
Surely Bach’s French Suites, which he composed during his years at Cöthen (1717–1723), are among the finest inducements to practise that any teacher has ever made to a pupil. In this case Bach wrote them for his young wife, Anna Magdalena. The over…
Total running time
168 mins
In the historic Weimar Herder Church Sir John Eliot Gardiner finds the perfect setting for his recording of the Bach Christmas Oratorio. Against the backdrop of the dramatic altar and Lucas Granach paintings, the Monteverdi Choir and the English…
Total running time
194 mins
Brahms’s Ein Deutsches Requiem, composed between 1861 and 1868, continues to inspire musicians and audiences to this day. His requiem is addressed to the living, who are to be offered comfort in this world and freed from fear of death. This…
Total running time
79 mins