13 results
The Wild West meets the soulful sound of Italy. Fearless New York gangsters meet cowboys from the dusty prairie. Godfather meets Taxi Driver. And the magic of cinema meets the rich sound of a first-class symphony orchestra. This exclusive live…
Total running time
75 mins
When Bach was in the service of Prince Leopold in Coethen, he had his own orchestra and was contracted to compose a great deal of instrumental music. This gave him an opportunity to try new techniques and to develop his own instrumental style. The…
Total running time
109 mins
The great master violinist Yehudi Menuhin (1916 – 1999) joined a group of friends at the Charlie Chaplin Studios in 1947 to record the legendary Hollywood music film, “Concert Magic”. This DVD releases the film for the first time for home viewing…
Total running time
132 mins