51 results
Maya Plisetskaya performing excerpts from a dozen of her greatest roles, created by many of the world's famous choreographers like Roland Petit and Maurice Béjart, from Ballets like Raymonda, Romeo and Juliet, Swan Lake and a mesmerizing performance…
52 mins
Prog. No.
“Swan Lake” by Peter I. Tchaikovsky is the most famous ballet of all time. Since its world premiere in 1877 at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow there have been countless interpretations of this romantic dance fairy tale. The epitome of these remains…
131 mins
Prog. No.
The Nutcracker, Tchaikovsky‘s eternal classic, in the choreography by Vasily Vainonen, is a colorful and sensuous dance production: dance in the highest perfection and mastery of modern technology. This successful production is recorded exclusively…
104 mins
Prog. No.
The Mariinsky Ballet is one of the world’s greatest ballet company with an astonishing heritage. Before emigrating to the West, George Balanchine studied in St Petersburg and was a member of the Mariinsky. However, Jewels dates from late in his…
92 mins
Prog. No.
The Nutcracker, Tchaikovsky‘s eternal classic, in the choreography by Vasily Vainonen, is a colorful and sensuous dance production: dance in the highest perfection and mastery of modern technology. This successful production is recorded exclusively…
104 mins
Prog. No.
A Musical Theatre by Alain Platel. For years, the tension between the group and the individual has been the central theme in Platel’s performances. In C(H)ŒURS, so far his biggest project, he examines – together with his dancers and the Teatro Real…
107 mins
Prog. No.
Bodas de sangre (Blood Wedding), choreographed by Antonio Gades in 1974, depicts the story written by Federico Garcia Lorca of a bride who, on her wedding night, runs away with her former lover, now a married man with a child of his own. The furious…
45 mins
Prog. No.
Created by Antonio Gades in collaboration with Carlos Saura, this matchless production shows how the explosive power and intensity of feeling in traditional Spanish flamenco can bring vividly to life the sultry passion, earthy emotion, love and…
112 mins
Prog. No.
Antonio Gades’ last choreographed work, Fuenteovejuna, is a signature piece of purity and precision of Spanish dance. Based on a true event that inspired Lope de Vega to write this classic play in 1619, Fuenteovejuna is about the people of a village…
94 mins
Prog. No.
Many people live in a closed world. What happens to them when they step onto an arena where they can be themselves, free of their usual roles and status? In the film Closed we encounter four completely different people who once a week leave their…
33 mins
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