108 results
Vladimir Ashkenazy has had a particular affection for the music of Rachmaninoff throughout his professional life, and his performances have long had the ring both of authenticity and of deep commitment. This is not surprising in a Russian-born and…
48 mins
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Vladimir Ashkenazy closed the 1984/85 season in London with a recital at the Royal Festival Hall that was regarded by many of those present as a new peak in his musicmaking. If that perception is correct, it is a remarkable achievement in a career…
53 mins
Prog. No.
On the tenth of August 1997 Evgeny Kissin played the first solo recital in the hundred and three year history of the London Promenade Concerts. It was a memorable occasion, to say the least, and has been described as perhaps the most extraordinary…
50 mins
Prog. No.
On 9th of July 2001, Evgeny Kissin played a truly memorable piano recital in the old Roman theatre at Orange in the south of France, as part of the Chorégies d'Orange Summer Festival and although it rained, twice, in the two hours before it began, he…
50 mins
Prog. No.
On 9th of July 2001, Evgeny Kissin played a truly memorable piano recital in the old Roman theatre at Orange in the south of France, as part of the Chorégies d'Orange Summer Festival and although it rained, twice, in the two hours before it began, he…
60 mins
Prog. No.
1970 was the 200th anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven’s birth and, to mark the occasion, Daniel Barenboim and Christopher Nupen collaborated on a thirteen-part series about the man and his music. Close friends at the time, Barenboim as artist and…
300 mins
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In this recording, 97-year-old Mieczyslaw Horszowski plays pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach and Frédéric Chopin, both composers that belonged to his standard repertoire.
59 mins
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Christian Zacharias is set to bid farewell to his piano, marking the occasion with a remarkable solo recital at the Pierre Gianadda Foundation in Martigny (Switzerland) Zacharias's repertoire for the evening features Franz Schubert's enchanting…
95 mins
Prog. No.
The tale: The author and the exact date of origin are unknown, but it is believed that the story was written around 900. The story details the life of Kaguya-hime, a princess from the Moon who is discovered as a baby inside the stalk of a glowing…
120 mins
Prog. No.
A dance story about Tchaikovsky, illuminating the long-hidden moments of his life. Through his compositions, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky influenced and shaped classical ballet like few other composers. The myth of his music remains unbroken to this day…
90 mins
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